Venue: Yellow room (upstairs) clear filter
Wednesday, May 7

10:00am CEST

5. Erasmus+ Quest: a Teachers' Workshop to Let Students Discover Mobility Opportunities (Level: ENTRY & EXPERT)
Wednesday May 7, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am CEST
avatar for Riccardo Cucconi

Riccardo Cucconi

Europe Direct Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Riccardo Cucconi is a civil servant at the local Europe Direct centre, hosted by  the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region.Graduated in International Relations (Master's Degree) from the University of Bologna, has worked at Europe Direct centres and infopoints for 10... Read More →
avatar for Elisabetta Lucertini

Elisabetta Lucertini

Europe Direct Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
She serves as civil servant at the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region where she is currently the manager of the Emilia-Romagna Europe Direct Centre, aninformation and training centre that is part of the Europe Direct network coordinated by the European Commission. Graduated... Read More →
avatar for Laura Raitè

Laura Raitè

Europe Direct Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Laura Raitè has 15 years of experience in issues related to youth mobility and training. She works at the Europe Direct Service of the Emilia Romagna Region. Europe Direct is an information and communication service of the European Commission, present throughout Europe. Her key areas... Read More →
Wednesday May 7, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am CEST
Yellow room (upstairs)
Thursday, May 8

10:00am CEST

5. Erasmus+ Quest: a Teachers' Workshop to Let Students Discover Mobility Opportunities (Level: ENTRY & EXPERT)
Thursday May 8, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am CEST
Young Europeans have access to a range of educational opportunities within the European Union, yet they often feel disoriented when faced with them. It is therefore essential to guide them by providing a mental map that enhances the accessibility of European mobility programs.
This workshop is a simulation of the work teachers can do in the classroom to promote the search for key information on the functioning of youth exchanges, the European Solidarity Corps, DiscoverEU, Erasmus+, EURES, and more. 
Divided into groups, teachers will start from a set of sources and testimonials to learn how to set up a workshop for their students. This will help improve inclusivity, awareness, and independent research skills regarding EU programs for young people.
avatar for Riccardo Cucconi

Riccardo Cucconi

Europe Direct Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Riccardo Cucconi is a civil servant at the local Europe Direct centre, hosted by  the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region.Graduated in International Relations (Master's Degree) from the University of Bologna, has worked at Europe Direct centres and infopoints for 10... Read More →
avatar for Elisabetta Lucertini

Elisabetta Lucertini

Europe Direct Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
She serves as civil servant at the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region where she is currently the manager of the Emilia-Romagna Europe Direct Centre, aninformation and training centre that is part of the Europe Direct network coordinated by the European Commission. Graduated... Read More →
avatar for Laura Raitè

Laura Raitè

Europe Direct Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Laura Raitè has 15 years of experience in issues related to youth mobility and training. She works at the Europe Direct Service of the Emilia Romagna Region. Europe Direct is an information and communication service of the European Commission, present throughout Europe. Her key areas... Read More →
Thursday May 8, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am CEST
Yellow room (upstairs)
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